Rogers is available at While this service is offered in your area, it might not be available at your specific address We do provide service there, but the offers may be different than the province you’re currently in. The repair typically takes a few hours. Once receive the walk-in repair specialists will inspect the device.
If in warranty, they will complete the repair at no charge. Need help and support with Rogers products and services? Check out our FAQs, diagnostic tools, how-to articles, troubleshooting tips, Community Forums and more.
Repair Processing Fees ranging from $30. Replacement Processing Fees ranging from $100. You are eligible to receive two fulfilled Service Requests in any rolling month perio beginning on the date of your first Service Request.
Start by unplugging the power cable , either from the power outlet in the wall or from the back of the digital box. After around seconds, plug it back in. You’ll see the word “boot” appear, and the box will take about five minutes to reset. When the box is displaying the time, it’s ready. They are considered to be part of the following sectors and industries: cable , services.
Rogers Cable is associated with terms like cable televisioncable internet, division of rogers communications by their customers and industry analysts.