CRDi Active Blue Drive. The service manual states full service intervals of 20miles or years, whichever comes first and interim services in between which are optional. You should have your vehicle serviced at regular intervals , namely at 100 300 600 and 90miles. The service intervals shown are based on the kilometers travele regardless of the time between services. For most of our passenger vehicles, the scheduled service interval is months or 10kilometres – whichever comes first.
You can search online and book a service at your most convenient dealer, and the system allows you to choose your service by duration or distance intervals.
Maintenance and servicing. Vice Grip Garage EP- Duration: 1:05:42. The year service interval is to make the car cheaper to run for the benefit of the big fleet buyers. Normal service replace every 90miles or months.
Severe service replace every 60miles or months. Australian model - Duration: 4:26. Acuras have one of the longest intervals for timing belt replacement. Most models, like those with 3.