Thursday, July 7, 2016

How is a rectocele repaired

A rectocele happens when the muscles in your vaginal wall weaken. You will have a repair surgery. A repair surgery will strengthen the wall of your vagina with sutures (stitches). Surgery typically starts by making and incision along the vaginal skin overlying the rectum. The tissue over the rectum is assessed for areas of weakness or broken fascia tissue.

These breaks and weaknesses are repaired with suture and sometimes covered with a graft or mesh.

In certain cases, the surgery might be done by removing some of the weakened muscle tissue that is forming the rectocele and reinforcing the wall between the rectum and the vagina. Strengthening your pelvic floor will help you ensure your best possible rectal support and bowel emptying. Avoiding inappropriate general exercises and lifestyle factors known.

Surgery or repair of Rectocele If the rectocele is of grade and it protrudes out of the vaginal opening then the patient must definitely go for surgery. The large rectocele is repaired by surgery and it pushes up the rectum to its correct position. Usually large rectoceles require surgery to push up the rectum away from the vagina and support it. Then it will stay in a normal position.

It is performed through the vagina when the back wall of vagina is opened. The surgery is done under general or regional anesthesia.

It from a tear in the normally tough, fibrous, sheet-like wall between the rectum and vagina. A small rectocele may not have symptoms, but a. Estrogen helps keep your pelvic muscles strong and may prevent your rectocele from getting worse. A pessary is a plastic or rubber ring that is placed inside your vagina.

This supports the bulging areas in your vagina and rectum. I had a rectocele repaired vaginally about ten years ago. My primary care physician recommended a Pessary, but I felt that was a poor solution. Since mine was worsening, I did not feel I could leave things as they were, so I chose the surgery.

Because rectocele and enterocele are defects of the pelvic supporting tissue and not the bowel wall, they are treated most successfully with surgery that repairs the vaginal wall. This surgery pulls together the stretched or torn tissue in the area of prolapse. Determining the most appropriate candidates for surgical repair can be difficult due to a. This approach has been proven safe and effective, but there may not be any benefit over other types of rectocele repair. The approach will depend on the size of the rectocele and the symptoms associated with the rectocele.

This procedure is called a Colporrhaphy and is usually done through the vagina. When to Avoid Rectocele Surgery Rectocele surgery is usually performed on women with moderate to severe posterior vaginal wall prolapse that effects their quality of life. There are different surgical approaches to rectocele repair. These approaches include the vaginal approach, the abdominal approach, and the rectal approach.

There is no consensus on the best approach or the best surgical repair for treating rectoceles.

Many factors contribute to determining which procedure would work best for the patient. This method is inpatient that is the patient would have to stay in the hospital for a few days, under the care of doctor. The vagina and pelvic organs are then resuspended internally with a combination of sutures and a supportive mesh or fascial graft (Figure 3).

If neede a bladder suspension, vaginal hysterectomy, and rectocele repair can be accomplished at the same time via a vaginal incision. A Foley catheter (i.e. bladder catheter) is placed to drain the.

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