Make a secure online donation. All Australia-wide donations are equally distributed between the RFDS Sections around Australia. Donate Australia wide. Your donation buys aircraft to keep us flying.

Tax deductable donations are gratefully accepte or options for regular giving and membership can be explored with our team. We are not closing during this national health crisis and will continue to provide vital emergency medical and primary health care services to rural and remote Australia, even in areas with Federal and State protective restriction orders. Designed by FelixFriends.
All donations over $are tax-deductible. This gift is a thoughtful way to pay tribute to the life of a friend or family member an at the same time, give health and life to those who remain. You can donate once or monthly.
We save lives and provide extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service over an area of 7. We are one of the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisations in the world. We help people in need every minutes of every day! Run, swim or cycle in an event or raise money through an occasion, such as your birthday for this charity. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch. Be the first to help.
When you make a gift in memory, the next of kin or nearest family member will receive a condolence letter from the us. Flying Doctor gifts for you and your family. Did you know that you can also make regular donations to the RFDS via your electricity bills? Last year alone the RFDS touched the lives of 290people.

Local RFDS support group officials Mark Wellington and Jenni Brammer (right) present a big cheque to RFDS central operations volunteer coordinator Lindy Allchurch. That’s one person every two minutes! The RFDS relies on fundraising initiatives and donations from the community to purchase and medically-equip its Pilatus PC-aircraft at a cost of $million each. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, delivered by a dedicated team of professionals, we provide both everyday essential health care and 24-hour. During this time, the members of Hawthorn Rowing Club gave everything: Shared their page with everyone they could.
Received donations from generous family and friends. The RDFS is often the difference between life and death for people living in rural and remote Australia. The more people that know about Royal. Also read: Steve’s Airborne Connection Watch the RFDS Live Flight Map as they provide vital services across Australia.
During that time, our customers and employees have donated more than $million towards improved emergency and routine medical care facilities throughout the state. No experience is necessary as an instructor is with you teaching you how to fly the aircraft and performing many interesting approach and landings. The campaign, dubbed ‘Keep Flynn Flying’ in honour of RFDS founder Reverend John Flynn, encourages Australians to help raise important funds for the RFDS to continue delivering emergency aero medical care to remote and regional communities.
Dorothy opened the shop years ago, with her late husban Alan, and since then has raised an amazing total of more than $270for the RFDS. In this fast-paced and varied role, you’ll be utilising your world-class customer service skills to offer our donors the best possible donor-care experience. I can only assume it is the same throughout Oz.
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