Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Youth employment services mississauga

Experience working in a customer service or direct delivery of services to the public. Youth Outreach Assistant – NSP. The youth must be years of age at the beginning of the employment….

Hours: Monday to Friday 8:am to 4:pm. Exact City kilometres kilometres kilometres 50.

Unemployed or underemployed youth and young adults can get help through drop-in resource centres, job search assistance programs, and job-skills workshops. YJC’s goal is to achieve long-term employment , meaningful careers and success for the future. We understand that finding a job can be stressful and frustrating at times, but we can make it easier for you to successfully enter or re-enter the workplace. We offer services designed to assist and advance youth.

We provide access to employability and employment skills, so they can achieve long-term employment , meaningful careers and success for the future. We provide employment benefits such as job search support, financial assistance for training or other employment expenses, and programs with a focus on your career path and skill building. Contact your caseworker for more information.

Speak to an Information Specialist or have a one to one appointment with a professional Career Specialist. Mississauga Monday – Friday, 8:a. At the Y, we want to change this story.

By building networks in the local community with employers and other service providers, we provide the comprehensive services you need to find a job. The Government of Canada offers many services , information and tools to help start your career. CTC assists youth job seekers in their search for meaningful employment by providing them with individual support, so that they understand their skills, identify their place in the labour market, and recognize their potential contributions to employers. TCET is a not-for-profit organization.

More than 20job seekers are served annually at five locations across the Greater Toronto Area. The City will continue to focus on maintaining essential services and will manage such recruitment on a case-by-case basis according to the current and changing COVID-19. The summer job application deadline is January 31. Through our Summer Student Program, you’ll: Earn income over the summer months.

Gain valuable experience. Make new connections. Employment is the cornerstone of safe and healthy communities.

For youth interested in starting a career, or those simply looking for part-time or summer employment, a broad range of services and supports are available.

WORKS - Building Connections. Creating Opportunities. The YMCA of Hamilton Burlington Brantford offers job seekers aged - intensive supports that go beyond traditional job search and placement opportunities. Learn how and contact us today to get started. The City offers volunteer opportunities to high school students wanting to complete volunteer hours and to residents who’d like to be part of the City’s community initiatives.

Welcome to the Newcomer Centre of Peel. Newcomer Centre of Peel (NCP) is a multi- service charitable non-profit organization that assists the entire newcomer family in achieving settlement and integration within the Region of Peel and beyond.

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